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Since 1811, the House of Perrier-Jouët, has created wines with a unique signature, floral, stylish and diamond-cut. Two centuries of heritage handed down in the House cellars, like craftsmen jealously
passing on their precious wisdom from father to son. A House of Craftsmanship.
Hervé Deschamps became the 7th Perrier-Jouët Cellar Master in 1993. The ten previous years he spent at his predecessor's side helped him master the subtleties of the House style and its unique floral tonality. As a guardian of this knowledge, he has since perpetuated and cultivated this precious heritage, fashioning, sculpting and pruning each of the vines that comprise his creations during their composition, with craftsmanlike skill.
Working at the vat, plot by plot, the Cellar Master tastes and tests time and again, finally isolating the wines, turning each cuvée into a unique wine that expresses all the characteristic elegance and finesse of the House of Perrier-Jouët. "I throw myself into each composition with one combined effort, like the creative flow of an artist, at that moment when intuition, sensitivity and skill somehow inexplicably come together." Hervé Deschamps.