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Adega de Monção
Our selection in Vinho Verde
Adega de Monção
Adega de Monção

Adega de Monção was founded on the 11th of October of 1958 thanks to the initiative of 25 vine growers.

It is located in the middle of the delimited "Vinhos Verdes" region in the sub-region of Monção e Melgaço (north-western part of Portugal - boarder towns with Galicia-Spain).

The Guarantee of its products is due to its raw material, allied with a careful selection of its grapes when entering the winery, combined with the modern technology of winemaking and personal contact with its customers. Recognized nationwide, its wines are also enjoyed and valued in other countries around Europe, Africa, North an South America.

Adega de Monção - Alvarinho Deu-la-Deu - Alvarinho Escolha Muralhas de Monção
Muralhas de Monção
Adega de Monção
Alvarinha Delicia